Tom Ramsey
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Some people say Tom is a Renaissance Man. Others say he can't decide what to be when he grows up. Tom just says, "...are you hungry?"

After careers in mergers and acquisitions investment banking, cigar manufacturing and lobbying, Tom traded in his suits and ties for a shirt with his name on it and an occupation our president describes as "the kind of job where you take a shower AFTER work." He's never been happier.

As the Chef, Proprietor and Sommelier of La Finestra in Jackson, Mississippi he gets to feed his creativity as much as he feeds his customers and as a food writer, media personality and general bon vivant, he gets to feed his ego.

Tom lives in the historic Belhaven neighborhood in Jackson, Mississippi with his beautiful wife Kitty, four children, two cats and two very naughty kittens. In his spare time he dons a cape and fights crime. Well...not really. But only because he doesn't currently own a cape. Please don't send him one. It will only encourage him.